Mind/Body Fitness Practitioner™ Courses
According to the American Medical Association, stress is the number one proxy killer accounting for 90% of chronic diseases around the world. Chronic stress can cause premature death from heart disease, diabetes, and other health conditions. Stress can also affect memory and kill brain cells in the hippocampus region of the brain. The American Institute of Stress states that 120,000 individuals die each year as a result of work-related stress. Healthcare costs are currently at an all-time high at an average of $190 billion annually. Chronic stress is also directly linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung conditions, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
The chronic diseases that you will study in this course are Addison's disease, alcoholism, Alzheimer's Disease, angina pectoris, anxiety, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, autoimmune disorders, burnout, Cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic pain, chronic tension headaches, Coronary heart disease, coronary thrombosis, Cushing's Disease, decreased immune system, depression, diabetes, drug addiction, Fibromyalgia, hypertension, insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, osteoporosis, memory loss, nonallergic rhinitis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Parkinson’s Disease, psychogenic gait disorder, rosacea, stroke, and tinnitus.
We strongly believe that Mind/Body Fitness Practitioners™ must look at each client as a whole person. The Comprehensive Client-Centered Approach™ is mastered by interweaving emotional intelligence, stress resilience, mind/body programs™, and stress management wellness prescriptions to help clients throughout many aspects of their lives.
Our Mind/Body Fitness Practitioner™ courses are the most comprehensive stress management courses for the health and fitness industry. You will have the skills and tools to successfully work with clients as part of the healthcare continuum. All of these techniques combined are important for the prevention of illness due to chronic stress such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and many other illnesses.
It is essential to stay up to date on how mind/body medicine is evolving so you can develop safe, customizable programs and classes for anyone you work with. You will also be giving clients the power of education by incorporating health promotion techniques into their programs to help them along their journey to better health and wellness.
Learn About Our Mind/Body Fitness Practitioner™ courses in more detail by scrolling down!
Welcome to the Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals™! You are on your way to becoming a Mind/Body Fitness Practitioner™. The Mind/Body Fitness Practitioner™ is a new type of fitness/wellness professional that works within the medical fitness niche as part of the healthcare continuum to help individuals to prevent or manage chronic diseases due to stress. Our Mind/Body Medicine Specialist™, Holistic Group Fitness Instructor™, and Holistic Stress Management Consultant™ courses are our specializations within this niche.
Please note that the Mind/Body Medicine Specialist™ Course is for health and certified fitness professionals. The Holistic Group Fitness Instructor™ course is for certified group fitness instructors, and our Holistic Stress Management Consultant™ course is for anyone who would like to work with individuals by incorporating our R.E.L.A.X.™ program (Restoring Energy Levels and Xhilaration) into your fitness facility or place of employment.
Our R.E.L.A.X.™ program modalities Include stress management coaching, mind/body art™, Stress Management Exercise Prescription™, small group training, group fitness instruction, chronic disease self–management skill training, the Mind/Body Zone™ assessment, meditation, Shakti training, breathwork, aromatherapy, health behavior techniques, energy work, nutrition, over 30 chronic diseases that are either initiated or exacerbated by stress and aspects of traditional Chinese medicine that can be safely incorporated into one on one sessions, group fitness classes or small group training sessions with clients.
When the Mind/Body Medicine Specialist™ course was initially developed in 2014, the Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals™ received tremendous interest from individuals who represent different professions. We then decided to create the Holistic Group Fitness Instructor™ and Holistic Stress Management Consultant™ courses to accommodate everyone, from group fitness instructors to counselors and everyone in between. We took the Mind/Body Medicine Specialist™ course and broke it down to ensure that everyone remains within their professional scope of practice. According to the Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals™, stress and the mind/body connection are very powerful and can involve the Mind/Body Chain™ or nervous, muscular, and skeletal system in Functional Meditative Movement™. (coined by the Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals™) For example: When individuals undergo chronic stress, they will notice muscle imbalances due to posture, stiffness, and tightness, which will impede balance. The nervous system will release cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and decrease bone density, and the body becomes unbalanced in many other ways and must be brought back to homeostasis before an individual becomes chronically ill. The stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals™ has created the Mind/Body Medicine Specialist™, Holistic Group Fitness Instructor™, and the Holistic Stress Management Consultant™ specializations to work in conjunction with each other as well as the medical community to help their clients stave off chronic disease due to stress. These four components form the mind/body Medical Fitness continuum of care™ and the Client-Centered Approach in Fitness™ to help individuals find affordable solutions to cope with their stressors. The Mind/Body Medical Fitness Continuum of Care™ and the Client-Centered Approach In Fitness™, along with our R.E.L.A.X.™ program, form the cornerstone of a healthy body and mind to create a fertile ground to foster stress resilience and help prevent chronic disease due to stress. Our courses draw from eastern and western medicine aspects to form the eastern/western fitness approach™ that Mind/Body Fitness Practitioners™ can safely incorporate into their mind/body programs™.
All Courses
Mind/Body Medicine Fitness Specialist™ and Chronic Disease Health and Wellness Coach™ Professional Certification for Certified Fitness Professionals
CourseThe Mind/Body Medicine Fitness Specialist™ course is forwithand fitness professionals who want to work with individuals who have acute, severe, and chronic stress. Learn how to incorporate modalities effectively into your training sessions.
Holistic Group Fitness Instructor™ Professional Certification for Group Fitness Instructors
Holistic Stress Management Consultant™ Professional Certification